Sunday, May 1, 2011

Crazy Saturday nights in Monmouth

The troops are printing, stamping, and packing invitations, and soon they will be on the pony across the country and continent. We just hope customs doesn't confiscate them because they're so awesome.

Murilo was in charge of the printing (since he doesn't trust me to click the "fast draft" button anymore...) You can see he's having fun here. Really, what more can a man want for his Saturday night other than soccer, beer, and wedding invitations? BTW, on the computer is the Timber's first home game - sold out stadium, and they WON. Nice job Timbers. In case you missed the fun, the team is complete with mascot Timber Joe, who cuts off a piece of a log with a chain saw every time they make a goal. And I'm serious.Murilo's other job was folding since we decided he's more perfectionist than I am (this is still up for debate). I'm here stamping, embossing, and then transferring them to the oven to melt the embossing powder. Side note: a 400 degree oven burns the paper, but at 350 degrees the paper doesn't burn, and the embossing powder melts in 30 seconds. 60 invitations later and we called it a night - the other 140 can wait until the next Timbers game.

Fun fact PS: my mom and dad found the clip art and had this stamp made - pretty personal-touch-ish, eh?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Guest book: Progress

The guest books are covered (no, I didn't do that in one day...) but they turned out pretty darn cute. Here they are all stacked together, looking really book-ish...

These are the fronts:

And the backs...

All together now!!!

Next step: titles...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Guest Book: pink and gold forever!

My next little project is a spin on the guest book. The idea is to make a couple pretty books and label them with questions like "Where do you see us in 10 years?" and "What should we do for our 1st anniversary?" Then, instead of signing a guest book, people can answer a question and sign their name. Here's the supplies I've picked out so far:

Pink and Gold forever!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Favors from the Willamette Valley

Because I don't have much control over wedding things a continent away, I'm going crazy with the things I can control - I am becoming the DIY bride... Martha would be so proud...

These are going to be our favors: grape wine charms! It's our "made in Oregon" touch for the wedding. Which is your favorite color/color combination? Murilo thinks the pink ones look like grapes with worms... >:( thus it's in the back, but he is very supportive of the other colors...

Aren't they cute?!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A funny bridesmaid story...

Trying to be the easy-going bride, I first proposed all ladies pick their own pink, knee-length and above, non-cotton dress for the wedding. Only one bridesmaid liked this idea. As discussions progressed I moved to a more traditional "I'll pick the color, you pick the dress" idea. All picked the same dress. So we have come full circle, and all bridesmaids will wear the same dress in the same color... and here it is!!! (official color: guava)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Thought you might enjoy the colors of the wedding: Gold and.... hmm... and pink? pinkish-orange? salmon... guava... coral... we're open to suggestion on names...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Heels or Havaianas? The bet is on.

Our gym is hosting a "90 workouts in 90 days" challenge... and Murilo and I are going for it. To sweeten the deal (and add the ultimate motivation) we've placed a bet:

I make it, I get to buy heels for the wedding
I don't make it, I wear Havaianas

(I asked Murilo what his prize was going to be and he said "health" to which I say "boo")

Who's going to win?